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Delta T Geophysical Consulting
Delta-T Geophysical Consulting, Inc. specializes in seismic interpretation, but can provide a host of other services to include:
Expert Witness evaluation and
testimony in the following areas:
TKS EarthPAK 2D3DPAK, SynPAK, 1DModeling, VuPAK, RSA, Facies Modeling
Hampson Russell AVO, Strata, Emerge, Geoview, Log
2D and 3D Seismic Acquisition and Design
2D and 3D Seismic Processing Over site
2D and 3D Seismic Permitting
Global Mapper
Project Management
Strategic Planning
NeuraLog Digitizing
Google Earth
​Land Management​​
Land Owner Relations​​​
Mineral Leasing and Permitting
Title Research
​​3D Volume Metrics Data
Projection and Re-projection
​Birds Eye Management Maps
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